Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu

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Liberation from Sufferings

  • From TBN, issue 444
  • By Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Sheng-Yen Lu
  • Translated and Edited by True Buddha Foundation Translation Team

Though I am living in seclusion, distancing myself from all events, I am still able to smell the sufferings of the world which permeate the air, revealing the many calamities present.

It is natural that the world encounters such sufferings. There is a saying, "The unexpected always happens in life as well as in nature." This speaks of the truth of impermanence. Impermanence is here to stay; so are wars and battles.

Just look:

Bullets have no eyes.

Before us the fiery flame rises.

Bodies are spread all over the land

Unbroken hearts are few.

Look again:

The businessman goes on trips through the years

Travelling speedily on vessels and carriages

The lure of high profits making the dangers of storm appear insignificant

He does not see the danger of the overweight cargo, the vessel capsizes and his life is lost.

The first of these two poems touches on wars, and the latter on accidents. These two examples illustrate only a small portion of numerous impermanent events in life. How sorrowful and sombre the reality is!

While I have been dwelling at "Leaf Lake," the Dakinis have occasionally lead the spirits of deceased disciples to me; I have delivered each and every one of them. It is always sad to see the spirit of a deceased disciple of mine.

In the Universal Gateway [of the Lotus Sutra], it states that "if sentient beings sincerely recite the name of Guan Yin ["Perceiver of the World's Sounds"], all of their sufferings shall be released at once."

The Tantric student must remember the respective names and mantras of "the Guru, the principle deity, and the dharma protector" to turn misfortunes into blessings and calamities into auspiciousness.

Even should you face the angel of death, if you keep reciting the Guru's Heart Mantra [Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum], you will still find your way to my place of retreat. The bardo form [the spirit, the soul] is able to traverse freely through mountains and across rivers since it is essentially a "mind formed" body. It is a fact that spirits are endowed with five kinds of supernatural power.

When your spirit arrives at my dwelling place, I shall do my best to deliver you and to liberate you from your sufferings so that you may never have to again wander in cyclic existence in the six realms [reincarnation]. The karmic energy of the six realms of reincarnation is powerful, and without the help of a great spiritual teacher, how can anyone ever hope to escape its pain? Cyclic existence is truly the source of all sufferings.

I shall teach you how to remain calm, without fear.

The realization of the true light of the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.

Seek refuge with the Guru, your own principle deity, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Enter into the pure Buddha Land.









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