Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu

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The Secret Key

  • Guru's Talk: The Secret Key
  • By Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, Sheng-Yen Lu
  • Translated by Cheng Yew Chung
  • Edited by TBN

Someone asked me, " I already know that the True Buddha Tantric Dharma is absolutely magnificent. But are there any secret keys? I mean, those that would allow the practitioner to attain swift and easy accomplishment?"

I replied, "The only secret key is truthful actual practice."

Let me say this to you honestly. Today, the way people deal with each other and deal with things is often untruthful. There are deceptive affections, fake products, phoney companies, counterfeit money, bogus charities, and even pseudo religions. In fact, the motivation for taking refuge can be pretentious. These are acts of falsehood.

False Buddhist teachings often aim at cheating people of their wealth. And false masters abound.

The insincere mind is constantly changing, yet the True Buddha Tantric Dharma remains unchanged. (The accomplishment of mantra recitation; the accomplishment of homa ritual; the accomplishment of Samadhi.)

The greatest secret key to gaining accomplishment with the True Buddha Tantric Dharma is to practise truthfully. Truthfulness is the secret key.

Here's a poem:

Maha Twin Lotus Ponds in Sukhavati

And Padmakumara do exist

I have been there and verified their existence

I speak the truth, with not even a hint of falsehood.

The True Buddha Tantric Dharma can truly liberate one from the cycle of birth and death

We must simply practise truthfully

And treat it with extraordinary respect

This gateway to the other shore remains open

And the truth preserved for trillions of years

Respect the guru

Treasure the dharma

Practise truthfully

This is the very secret key of Guru Padmasambhava

We pay homage to the lineage gurus

With proper attitude and sincerity

We cultivate the supreme bodhi

With the truest of hearts









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