The Great Compassion Dharani

The Great Compassion Dharani, or Da Bei Zhou, is a supreme type of mantra which can eradicate hinderances from past lives, subjugate evil forces and cause all ghosts and spirits to become one's protectors. Each line of the 84 in the Dharani has a different protector associated with it; if you can remember and recite only the first line you will already receive much protection.

Qian So Qian Yeh Guan Shih Yin Pu'sa Guang Da Yuan Man Wu Ai Da Bei Xin To Loh Ni
The Vast Great Perfect Full Unimpeded Great Compassion Dharani of the Bodhisattva Who Regards the Sounds of the World

Namo Da Bei Guan Shih Yin Pu'sa (x3)
Homage to the Greatly Compassionate Thousand Handed Thousand Eyed Bodhisattva Who Hears the Cries of the World

Da Bei Zhou
The Great Compassion Mantra

  1. Na-mo ho-la-dan-nah do-la-ye-ye,
  2. na-mo a-lee-ye,
  3. poh-lu-ge-deh lap-pun-la-ye,
  4. poo-tee sa-toh-po-ye,
  5. ma-ha sa-toh-po-ye
  6. mo-ha ka-lu-nee-ka-ye,
  7. an, sa-bo-la-fa-yee,
  8. soo-da-na-seh,
  9. Na-mo si-gi-li-doh,
  10. yee-mon-a-lee-ye,
  11. po-lu-ge-deh seh-po-la-ling-toh-poh,
  12. na-mo na-la-geen-gee,
  13. see-lee ma-ha pun-do sa-meh,
  14. sa-po-a-tah dou-soo-pun,
  15. a-seh-yun,
  16. sa-po-sa-do na-mo-po-sa-do na-mo po-kya,
  17. mo-fa-te-dou,
  18. dan-jee-ta,
  19. om a-loh-loo-hee,
  20. lu-ga-deh,
  21. ka-lo-deh,
  22. yee-he-le,
  23. ma-ha poo-tee-sa-do,
  24. sa-po sa-po,
  25. mo-la mo-la,
  26. mo-see mo-see lee-toh-yun,
  27. gi-lu gi-lu ge-mong,
  28. doo-lu doo-lu fa-sha-ya-deh,
  29. ma-ha fa-sa-ya-deh,
  30. doh-loh doh-loh,
  31. di-lee-nee,
  32. sip-poh-la-ya,
  33. je-la je-la,
  34. mo-la fa-mo-la,
  35. moo-dee-yee,
  36. yee-he yee-he,
  37. si-ni si-na,
  38. a-lo-shen foo-la-se-lee,
  39. fa-san-fa-shen
  40. foo-lo-se-ya,
  41. hoo-loo hoo-loo mo-la,
  42. hoo-loo hoo-loo see-lee,
  43. sa-la sa-la,
  44. see-lee see-lee,
  45. soo-loo soo-loo,
  46. poh-teh-ye poh-teh-ye,
  47. poo-toh-ye poo-toh-ye,
  48. mee-dee-lee-ye,
  49. na-la-geen-gi,
  50. di-lee been-nee-na,
  51. po-ye-mo-na,
  52. sa-po-ho,
  53. si-toh-ye,
  54. so-ha,
  55. ma-ha si-toh-ye,
  56. so-ha,
  57. si-toh-yu-yee,
  58. si-ban-la-ye,
  59. so-ha,
  60. na-la-geen-chr,
  61. so-ha,
  62. mo-la-na-la,
  63. so-ha,
  64. see-la-shen a-moo-chie-ya,
  65. so-ha,
  66. sa-po-mo-ho a-sik-toh-ye,
  67. so-ha,
  68. ze-jee-la a-sik-toh-ye,
  69. so-ha,
  70. bo-toh-mo ze-sik-toh-ye,
  71. so-ha,
  72. na-la-geen-gi ban-ka-la-ye,
  73. so-ha,
  74. mo-po-lee sheng-ge-la-ye,
  75. so-ha,
  76. na-mo ho-la-da-la do-la-ye-ye,
  77. na-mo a-lee-ye,
  78. po-lo-ge-deh,
  79. lap-pun-la-ye,
  80. so-ha,
  81. om, si-dian-doo,
  82. man-do-lo,
  83. bah-toh-ye,
  84. so-ha.









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