Liao-Fan Yuan, Evelyn Li, K. C. Ng, Acharya Kender Tomko
publisher by Purple Lotus Publisher
A perennial favorite in China since it was first published in the
early 17th century, this book contains many gems of information
on how to transform one?s karma. The workings of the law of cause
and effect come to life in the many examples outlined in the book.
Four Essays on Karma follows the lives of various individuals who
are faced with difficult circumstances and tells how they were able
to avert these problems and live successful lives by understanding
the concept of karma. What is more, the techniques mentioned in
the book for transmuting karma are simple and easy to apply, by
anyone at any time, to achieve a better life.
This book follows the lives of several individuals faced with difficult
circumstances, and tells how they were able to avert these problems
and live successful lives by understanding the concept of karma.
The techniques mentioned in the book for transmuting karma are simple
for anyone to apply to achieve a better life. 64 pgs